A Groupon Clone
Dealphp.com Previously Wroupon presents most affordable Groupon Clone Just for $89, with all features others have plus Addon features. Tweet machine posts automatically all deals to Twitter account. RSS brings more option to increase traffic. It is developed on Open Source PHP and Mysql, 100% Modifiable. Multiple Admins, partners and users with rights. Subscriptions, Rebates, Social Sharing, Archived deals How does it works (Tom is Our User) 1. Tom goes to site . 2. He finds the deal interesting & clicks on “Buy now”. 3. He logs in or signs up for a new account. 4. He pays via Paypal with his credit card 5. If the minimum required is achieved, Deal Goes “On” & everyone who bought it gets charged else payment is given back 6. All the payments are going to be directed for website owner, and owner pays businesses offering the deal (restaurant, spa, etc) 7. Tom is a happy Customer Now