HD Image Rotator
Using this Image rotator there is no beating around the bush, everything is simple and to the point. The back-end is the simplest that even non-developers feel comfortable using this Module. Image rotator is vested with more options and one of the important options, and we think a much-needed option, is adding audio files to the image gallery. So this option is also included which could give you a great feel when the image is blended with the sound. Features Include: Audio support available . Supports .png, .jpeg, .gif and also swf images. Six custom animation effects. Options to increase the height and Width. Options to change the shape (radius). Navigate options simple and effective. Option to change the skin of the Navigation tools. Option to change the color of the icons of Navigation tool. Can remove the navigation if not needed. Can add up to 10 images Supports Joomla 1.5, 1.6