HOT or NOT Factory 1.0.9
Administrator Settings: * Enable/disable voting for guests (unloged users). * Enable/disable upload images for guests (unlogged users). * Set 1-10 or 1-5 voting scale. * Set upload folder, Resize height and width, Thumbnail size, Nr. of uploaded images at once. * Enable/disable image description, Description length, Enable/disable require description on upload. * Enable/disable tags, Maximum allowed nr. of tags, Enable/disable require tags on upload. * Allow comments from: visitors/registred/disabled. * Display nr. of images per page, Display last x comments per page (0 for all). * Enable/disable genre mode (male, female). * Enable/disable email reporting. The component comes also with the following modules: * Menu Module including Top Rated, My Pictures, Upload and advanced Search option. * TAG Cloud Module. * Random Picture. * Latest Picture. * Last Voted.