HTML to Android (Website to Native Android) Full Sourcode
Get your website to a native android app without monthly fees or complex code. FULL source code in Java Sample HTML website Comments in source code As easy as change the URL in code for yours and you are ready to Publish in Google Play! FEATURES: 1.- Splash screen: Show your logo every time app launches. 2.- Instructions screen: Show a slide of images with instructions for your app. 3.- Sliding Menu: you can add or remove the items and icons in the menu. 4.- Share pages: Use share option to share current page, it can be disabled when showing not shareble pages (like a login page). 5.- File upload: Uploads files and photos from the device using any upload form. 6.- Screen Auto-resize: Adjust the website everytime you flip the device horizontally or vertically. 7.- Cookies Sync: Sessions and cookie variables supported. 8.- Compatibility: Compatible to most android phones and tablets. Use all your current site features without limitations!