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A 2 Way Communcation Tool that will replace e-mail, in the Future
Product Details

I-CON Marketer was developed as an alternative solution to the increasing difficulty of publishing and distributing messages by e-mail. As more e-mail messages get blocked, filtered, and lost in overflowing inboxes full of spam Spam is a nickname for unsolicited commercial e-mail. In 2004, spam accounts for an estimated 60% of all e-mail messages sent., publishers and marketers have been looking for a secure alternative method to deliver newsletters, promotions, and information directly to recipients. I-CON Marketer addresses the increasing shortcomings of e-mail communication by using the latest online communications technology to deliver messages directly to your contacts Your "contacts" are the people who download and use your custom I-CON Reader application to receive and view your messages on your computers. This "direct-to-desktop technology gives you a private, professional communication channel between you and your contacts -- while completely excluding your competition. I-CON Marketer gives you the power to send rich HTML HTML stands for "Hypertext Markup Language," the original authoring language used to create documents on the World Wide Web documents with active links and full color. Unlike e-mail messages, which must be "linked" to a web page in order to display documents, I-CON Marketer messages are delivered in a single, complete file -- meaning that your contacts always see your full message with no broken links, even if their computer is not connected to the Internet.

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Submitted on
12th May 2005
Last Updated
23rd May 2005
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License Price
USD 199.95
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License Price
USD 199.95
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License Price
USD 199.95
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License Price
USD 99.95
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License Price
USD 99.95

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