iGiveTest (Online Test & Quiz Management, Open Source Code)
iGiveTest is a comprehensive solution for creating, administering, and providing thorough analysis of tests on the Internet and Intranet. Using iGiveTest, you can ask any kind of question. You can choose how to mark each question. A bank of questions makes it extremely easy to create tests. The questions can be conveniently divided into different topics, where each question has its unique number and can be sorted, filtered, and organized by different criteria and parameters. You can create a password to access a test, assign a test to a certain group of users, give access to a test only during a certain period (determined by date and time), and define an exact number of attempts to pass a test. You can also provide a guest access to the testing system, and define guest permissions. It is a perfect solution for testing, remote learning, pre-employment screening, certification and many other purposes. Custom modules can be developed for an additional fee upon request.