iJoomla: Redirect
Every link that you place on a Web page makes another little hole in your site. Your users drip through that hole... and your PageRank leaks out of it. Of course, you need to have links on your site. It's almost impossible to build a site without them. So what you can do to make sure that your links don't drag down your Page Rank and lower your position in the search engines? iJoomla:redirect is a unique extension designed to protect your PageRank and improve your knowledge of your site. It helps you maintain your site's Google ranking by redirecting your outgoing links to other locations. As a helpful bonus, it also counts the number of times people click those links. And it's incredibly simple to use. Instead of placing a regular link, you just add a redirect link to the backend that generates a special URL. The URL looks something like this: index.php?option=com_ijoo mla_redirect&id=1