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Image Gallery or Portfolio Viewer

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Some features: 1. You can use this as image slide show 2. You can use this as portfolio for your works 3. The images are from XML file reference 4. The look is web 2.0 5. Loading 600x310 images by clicking on the icons into another Movie Clip named load.SWF 6. A multi functioning component for your site 7. You can use this as a navigation for your web site by loading an image with description 8. Child Movie is getting value of a variable from the Parent Movie 9. Modifying the file is very simple, the code is in one place and a bit in the load.SWF for display 10. Help available any time from my side Code description: 1. There are 14 instances of the same Movie Clips each having separate names 2. They grab the images from ss.XML file reference 3. load.SWF is loaded into loader MovieClip 4.The big images are loaded into load.SWF 5. Complete code is in one place with proper comment in flash.FLA file 6. Code for loading image is inside load .SWF in one place only

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Submitted on
9th October 2008
Last Updated
9th October 2008
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