Inout Web Portal
Inout web portal is a fully customizable portal script like Yahoo, MSN, AOL etc with simple integration of scipts from Inoutscripts#Easily manageable service display order#Service categoriztion accroding to the service priority#Box based home page content management#Automatic home page content updation#Easily manageable portal public home page using layout editor (Inout Grid Layout Editor)#Fully customizable public area themes#Multilanguage support#Common user registration/login section for all the services in the portal that has member section#Language integration for all the services that had multi-language support#Fully customizable header section from admin area#Easily manageable public page dimensions#Add/Manage services scripts#Add/ Manage data boxes based on various services#Manage box layout, dimensions, content pattern#Easy navigation to service scripts admin area#Preview home page layout after changes#Add/Manage public area themes, languages#View/Manage users