Internet Document and Report Server
The Internet Document and Report Server is a java servlet used in conjunction with the Reporting Markup Language to simplify the creation of online reports. The IDRS also supports a full securty model, or it can also run without security. IDRS is designed to be an: embedable HTML report generater for Java applications, web based enterprise report server, web site generation tool Its basic features include: Use of an XML dialect called Reporting Markup Language (RML) to create report templates, Multiple data sets per report, Database Connection Pooling for connections to the IDRS report database, Databse Connection Pooling for use by IDRS reports Both, Secure reports using User/Group based Security, Stored username and password information for the length of session, User based douments Non-secure reports, Ability to include JSP code in report templates that will be processed after a report has been fully created, Data-Result paging, and Call Java classes from withtin IDRS reports to retrieve data and to do anything RML can not do nativly.