Do you need to accept, store and display visitors' comments on your personal blog or commercial storefront? Enabling communication with potential customers or fans of your online journal is no longer a problem with DoComments, a single PHP file that, nevertheless, offers a wide range of popular features. With just one line of PHP: 1) Make comments appear anywhere you want, 2) Let your visitors rate your content and then display that rating anywhere you want and 3) Show the number of comments on any topic anywhere you want. Allow your visitors to rate the comments themselves: is a particular comment helpful or unhelpful? Receive an email alert whenever a visitor posts a comment to your website or rates a comment as helpful or unhelpful. Impress your visitors when they see their comments post instantly---without refreshing the page. Look good with a smart user interface that touts smooth animations alongside big, bold names and distinctive text. DoComments is professional-grade software.