JetScripts Text CAPTCHA System
The JetScripts Text-CAPTCHA stops spambots from filling out your signup pages and contact forms by baffling them with a devious, text-based interlock. This CAPTCHA form is designed to be easy for humans but difficult for spambots. Best of all, it doesn't require graphics libraries like GD or ImageMagick to work. Unlike most CAPTCHA systems, the JetScripts Text-CAPTCHA presents users with a short, simple word instead of oddly-distorted, difficult-to-read random letters. * No graphics libraries required, nothing to configure and no file permissions to set. * Easy-to-read for humans, devilishly tough to crack for spambots! * Over 5,000 different words by default, and more can be added (as many as you want). * "Anti-highlighting" format prevents copying & pasting the CAPTCHA text. * No database required and no special modules or configuration needed. * Doesn't require Javascript- works with Javascript enabled or disabled.