Joomla Post Notifier Module of 123 Flash Chat Software
Joomla Post Notifier Module is developed to integrate Joomla CMS with New Post Notifier Module of 123 Flash Chat. With it, you can integrate your Joomla website with any chat room of 123 Flash Chat. Therefore when you publish or edit a post on website, your chat users in those integrated chat rooms will get a messenger alert with information of it. It will help you to integrate the entire Joomla site all in one, and meanwhile helps your chat users to be practically kept posted with the dynamic update of your site. 1) Real-time Alert to Chat Room Users from Joomla CMS When Joomla CMS users submit new topic, post new thread, or edit posts, this module can gain its content, handle it (such as filter HTML Tag, showing image, restricting the amount of words, etc.), and make it displayed in your chat room. 2) Changeable Content of messages and Color of text. For the content of public posts and the color of text shown in Chat Room could be changed in configuration.