Joomla RSS component
What is iJoomla:rssfeeder? iJoomla:rssfeeder allows your visitors to subscribe to one or more RSS feeds from your site. Each section and category generates an RSS feeder that your subscribers can easily add to their RSS reader or to their site. They get free fresh content and you get free exposure and incoming links that increase your site popularity with search engines. This is a great way to get free traffic, free incoming links, free exposure and grow your business. iJoomla:rssfeeder is completely integrated with FeedBurner, an amazing service that Allows RSS publishers the ability to manage their RSS feeds and track usage of their subscribers. Using FeedBurner became absolutely free a few months ago when they were acquired by Google. In order to enjoy all the benefits of, you'll have to sign up to an account with FeedBurner. You can also choose to not use this service, but we highly recommend that you do.