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JPG dump photo gallery

Rated2.8/5 (6 ratings)
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Drag your photos directly from your digital camera, to your online gallery.
Product Details

Drag your photos directly from your digital camera, to your online gallery. jpg-dump-photo-gallery.php?b will take the jpegs in the source folder and make thumbnails and viewable images for you. jpg-dump-photo-gallery.php without the ?b will allow you to view your gallery. You may even change the row size and the number of rows that appear on each page, by altering the $row_size and $page_size variables. This script may not work if your images don't end in .JPG. If that is the case just modify the 2 glob function calls. For a large number of images, the script may time out.

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Submitted on
13th October 2004
Last Updated
30th January 2012

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