JProxy is a thin J2EE client provider that delivers J2EE technology onto the client side with 100 KB client runtime. JProxy is App Server independent. On the server side JProxy is a Servlet and seamlessly integrates with most of Application Servers, such as JBoss, BEA Web Logic, IBM Web Sphere, etc. It also integrates with Apache Axis and IONA Artix for thin client Web Services support. With JProxy you get: * Thin J2EE Client runtime; * HTTP / HTTPS Tunnel for JNDI, RMI, EJB, JMS and CORBA; * Asynchronous JMS over HTTP / HTTPS without polling; * Asynchronous Web Services (with Apache Axis); * Declarative remoting of arbitrary Java interfaces * J2EE Client automatic failover support; * Users access rights authentication and enforcement to a J2EE service with JAAS; * Application Server independence; * JVM independence. JProxy client runtime works in Suns and Microsoft JVM; * J2EE Client can access all J2EE services from standard secure