K-Search is very fast and highly customizable meta-search engine. It queries Google, AltaVista, MSN, Inktomi, FAST, Teoma, LookSmart, Ask, A9, dmoz and many other search engines simultaneously and uses effective algorithm to determine the finest results. Apart web search, the news, image, video, audio, jobs, shopping, article and adult searches are supported as well. K-Search integrates more than 40 search engines in total. The script contains a built-in PPC (Pay Per Click) system that allows sponsors to place their paid results for specified keywords (payment integration with PayPal and 2CheckOut). K-Search also integrates with external PPC feeds like Searchfeed and Miva. Search results can be cached in database to speed up popular searches. Search queries are logged to offer search suggestions. Advanced search. User search preferences. Multilanguage ready - can be translated through language file. Unlimited licenses are available. Free downloadable 15 day trial.