Magic Thumb for Joomla
Magic Thumb is a zoom functionality created for Joomla. Perfect for viewing large images - activates on click or on hover. It requires two images to work. A large image (approx 450-550 pixels height) and a smaller image which will act as the thumbnail (approx 80-120 pixels height). The large image appears when the thumbnail is clicked. The image loads instantly due to the lightbox effect. Versatile and easy to use. It is simple to install and can be done in a matter of minutes. Completely customizable with 39 parameters available for you to choose from. These include: speed, position, size, effect and much more. It works on all major browsers. It also works on iPhone and iPad because it uses JavaScript, not Flash. This module has been created for Joomla 1.7. If you are using an older version of Joomla please visit our website and download the relevant module from there. Please contact us if you need any help.