MaPa Classifeds
MaPa Classifeds - Business Directory
Product Details
A fully customized and fully featured business directory - classified listing system with categories, sub-categories, regions and ads. SEO friendly pages, user registration, image uploading and Google maps.

posted byshopperpressinBusiness Listings
PriceUSD 99.00

posted byshopperpressinAutos
PriceUSD 99.00
User Reviews
Please rate the listing and tell the world know what do you think about the listing.
This script is excellent and easy to use.
Reviewed byPierreonMon, 9th May 2016
I have been trying demo scripts on the Internet for weeks, and the Mapa Classifieds is the only one that really satisfies me at 95 %.
I did not see the pagination tool on when I was viewing it on the computer; but when I viewed it on the smartphone the pagination tool appeared, and I understood that the script is excellent.