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MaxEasy Website Submitter

Rated3.3/5 (3 ratings)
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With MaxEasy Website Submitter from MaxmillianSoft you can submit your site to 66 search engines.
Product Details

Site submission can be a very time consuming and expensive process. Sites should be resubmitted when you have made any significant addition to the pages. It is also recommended that you submit your most important pages as a URL. When you add all this up, the cost will be several hundreds to several thousands of dollars. Even if your website is your personal site, your friends, and family will often search to find your URL because they can't remember the exact text to enter into the browser. If you have a things to sell you will be lucky if it is ever visited if you have not submitted it to the search engines. Site submission services will charge you about $29.95 for each URL you submit. If you are lucky they will submit two for the price of one. Since it costs them nothing to do this they still make a very nice profit from your dependence on their service. To make it more attractive they will send you a monthly report that says nothing that you don't already know. You will get a list of each search engine. What are you supposed to do with that? MaxEasy submits to 66 search engines in just a matter of seconds. The expensive services will submit to hundreds but this gains nothing. Most search engines leverage off the work done by Google and once listed by Google your site will show up everywhere else too! MaxEasy is your very affordable and efficient method to submit your website. Before our software was available we also used a service. We won't miss the payments we used to make!

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Submitted on
5th January 2005
Last Updated
18th April 2005
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