MaxTreeGrid :: Cutting-edge JavaScript treegrid control.
MaxTreeGrid is fast, user-friendly, highly-productive treegrid control which offers a wide set of built in functionalities, namely drag-and-drop, sorting and filtering ones, and gives the possibility to extend them in many custom-defined ways as well. MaxTreeGrid allows to represent data as as tree hierarchy, plain grid or combine both views as treegrid. Due to the lightness of the component you are allowed to make free use of the treegrid in intranets or back end systems and on high-loaded pages as well. Data can be freely loaded whether from server side script such as PHP, JSP, ASP, and others, or JS, XML, CSV, JSON, HTML. As extremely productive component, MaxTreeGrid operates with large amounts of data, thereby it efficiently displays 100 or 10000 lines datasets with equal effect. MaxTreeGrid component is faster than any of existing competitors and its size is at least half as much than any other lib with similar features.