Multiheadlines Module for PHP-Nuke
Allows you to add RSS/RDF/ATOM feeds directly on your site. Basically, RSS / RDF / ATOM news [you might call "News on short"] is given by a title, a link and a short description that came only through RSS chanel or ATOM entry from a RSS/RDF/ATOM URL. The feeds are retained on your database for a faster loading of you website but this module have a prune system that can empty your DB[ feeds] at a given number of days or when feeds reaches a certain number(You might, as well, to never empty the database). As administrator you have a lot of options for this addon. Throught these option you can set how feeds news will look on your site. As a user you can read the feeds, search by specific keywords in these feeds or even submit an interesting feeds URL [RSS/RDF/ATOM]. The feeds are organized on categories. This module comes also with three types of blocks[phpnuke blocks]. You will have always fresh news on your site without doing something [news gathering it's done automatically].