MX AJAX Toolbox
MX AJAX Toolbox empowers web developers and designers to build AJAX sites in Dreamweaver. You can now build complete AJAX sites from scratch or integrate AJAX controls and widgets into your existing projects. Spice up your websites with photo galleries, accordions, tabsets, ratings, AJAX dynamic tables and many more. Start a new project with the AJAX Site Wizard and see how easy it is to add top of the line technologies to your portfolio. -- Bring the benefits of AJAX to Dreamweaver. Visual AJAX development. No coding needed -- Build fast loading websites.Save bandwidth and reduce server traffic --Enriched user experience on your sites.Visitors can rate content, show or hide content areas -- Lots of pre-build controls to get you started Nine AJAX widgets: photo gallery, dynamic table, rating and more -- Categorize items with drag and drop. Arrange objects in a page simply by dragging and dropping. -- Graceful degradation. Website available even with JavaScript disabled