MX Includes � Dreamweaver code reuse
For Dreamweaver MX developers (PHP and ColdFusion) who need to save time by reusing code in their web applications, MX Includes is a Dreamweaver MX extension that provides server behaviors allowing the effective use of statically or dynamically included files within your site. Unlike the standard PHP method of requiring files that is quite incompatible with Dreamweaver MX, our product offers a working implementation of SSI (Server Side Includes), allowing you to efficiently reuse code and use Server Behaviors inside required files. MX Includes supports: ColdFusion, ASP VBScript PHP_ADODB and PHP_MySQL. Features: --No More Broken Design View in Dreamweaver MX; -- Nice URLs for better Google indexing; -- and Tags are Stripped from the Included File; --No More Broken Server Behaviors in the Included File; --Enabling the Require of Multi Level Files; --Linking Files Using Relative Paths; --A New Revolutionary Way of Doing Code-Reuse; --Tight integration with Dreamweaver MX.