myPortal CMS
Imagine a CMS (content management system) that allows a web designer to create any kind of design, witouth worring about the restrictions of a system, a web programmer to create templates in pure PHP witouth having to learn a new template languge and a web site editor to update his website witouth any special knowledge. Welcome to the wonderfull world of myPortal 2. The basic concept behind myPortal is very simple and waidly accepted. MyPortal 2 is a CMS system based on the PHP 5 platform using MySQL ( or other SQL database ) for managing data and it spots a proprietary AJAX user interface. We designed MyPortal 2 so it can run on a huge number of web servers witouth requiring special hardware or software, it has been tested on both Windows and Linux enviroments on the very popular Apache web server. The back end runs on any computer equiped with any modern web browser witouth requiring any kind of local installation.