No Right Click Generator - Simple-Code.Net
A script preventing visitors from right-clicking on your sites.
Product Details
This is a simple JavaScript that allows you to protect your HTML source code and images of your web sites by preventing visitors from right-clicking on your sites. An specified alert box will prompt out when visitors right click their mouse.

posted byshopperpressinAutos
PriceUSD 99.00
User Reviews
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Useless Script
Reviewed byAnonymousonSat, 15th April 2006
As with all "no right click" scripts this one is absolutely useless as all it does is annoy legitimate visitors without much knowledge of how the web works.
It isn't even as effective a script as:
window.oncontextmenu = function() {return false;}
which at least works on a few additional browsers and blocks the context menu button on the keyboard in those browsers as well.