Null Nuke v2.2
fast, powerful and secure cross platform CMS for windows and linux using base or full drive paths. with auto site shutdown when a core config file is missing or corrupt emailing super administrator of issues and db query errors, full mime management for upload forms specific to each module. cookie data is ciphered and then stored in the users cookie and ciphered using a set passkey in null nukes backend configuration.. user level bbcode tag arrays, included module are gallery, news, forum with recursive subforums, wiki, full shoutcast 2 manager for local and remote servers, cookie data is stored, sent and received as a ciphered string, simple database manager with export/restore database or tables, run sql queries resync module to maintain database entries and uploaded files, v2.2 includes a massive code cleanup, file system fixes for different enviroments todo with empty tmp_dir and not allow ./ on path names