OneForm : Dynamic Multipurpose Flash Form
Supports following form elements : 1. Text Label (html enabled) 2. Input text field (single or multiline) 3. Drop Down 4. Checkbox 5. Radiobutton 6. File Upload (single or multiple file uploading with progress) 7. Hidden text field for passing hidden values alongside form values as submitted by the user. 8. Password input text field OneForm salient features : 1. 100% customizable. 2. Supports multipage forms. 3. xml driven. 4. Simple drag and drop usage. 5.Form post sent to a email or saved to a CSV file or both. 6. Multi lingual support. 7. Only 14kb in size. 8. Single or multiple file upload. 9. Html enabled text. 10. Pass hidden values. 12. Configurable transitions. 13. Required fields with validation. 14. Email validation. 15. Character restriction. 16. Customizable response messages. 17. Horizontal / vertical scrolling. 18. Pass xml path externally via flashvars.