Online DVD rental system and video rental software
Online rental system and offline video rental store processing; Rental system and shop module; Pay per rent rental application and subscription based rental solution; Whole automation of rental business + payment gateway supported; Free live time support; Custom "brand" looking design and logo; The online rental system allows your customers to rent DVDs and games, purchase them new, or buy their rental copy of the DVDs/Games you have sent them. This allows you, as a store operator, to maximize your revenues and profits with your subscribed customer base. Our rental system provides you the unique ability to generate labels, send and receive DVDs/Games based on barcode labels, a process that streamlines the receivable/deliverable process. The successful system that we have created automates as much as possible to eliminate human error and speed up the processing, increasing profits. We will be more than happy to show you a demo of our rental system at any time