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Oveas Web Poll (OWP)

Rated3.4/5 (10 ratings)
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Asurvey script that can handle checkboxes, calculate averages and more.
Product Details

Most survey scripts handle radio buttons only, but what if you want to allow your visitors to enter more choices? Or get free (numeric) input and calculate averages? That's where OWP comes in. It's fully configurable - including the language - and well documented. The new version comes with a (simple) logfile browser and many more options, like a configurable minimum and maximum value for Average inputs, averages are displayed in decimals and can be sorted, and even select lists (drop down and multi) are supported!

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Submitted on
20th May 2002
Last Updated
11th February 2009

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(10 ratings)
Average User Rating: 3.4/5
Excellent configurable web poll with forum support.
Reviewed byAnonymousonSat, 20th July 2002
Rating 5 - Excellent
An excellent poll/survey script in my opinion. Once the initial parameters have been set, it's fairly easy to use too. I like the way it allows you to set the polls up any way you like - rather than forcing a specific design like many other polls do. Other noteworthy features: It can support unlimited polls all using the one script. You can add an optional comments/email box, and it will record people's messages along with the votes - very handy. Radio button support, with an optional setting on whether the results will be listed in order; or whether the highest votes will go to the top... and my fave: checkboxes - so people can select more than option. The only things it really lacks are 'dropdown menu' support and sorting for the 'average score' option (which are now apparently both on the features list) - but all in all, a brilliant poll with a useful support forum too, and one I would personally recommend (after looking for a decent poll script for ages!)
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