OWS Deals/Coupons Website Script
Version 2.0 has been released. Faster, easier to use, completely revised. OWS Deals & Coupons Website script will help you convert coupon codes, deals, and and offers by major brands to the maximum amount of commissions. * Php and MySql based * Lots of Functionality * User Friendly for Visitors, Members, and Site Owners * Make money on affiliate programs or by charging store owners. * Template based - easy to customize for unique look. * Unlimited Deals, Bargains, Discounts by adding time, by store, by category * Coupons by store or by category * RSS feeds for new deals * Newsletter * Site Search * Articles and News * Site Contact Form # [New] CJ/Amazon/LinkShare Direct Access - get any product info without logging into CJ/Amazon/LS every time. # [New] RSS/XML/CSV datafeed import. Use any available feed for faster and easier deals/coupons publishing. # Deals and Coupons Datafeed