Pay As You Go :: Internet Access Timer
Pay As You Go is a unique system to be used by Internet Service Providers (ISP), hotel and restaurant owners, cyber cafe owners who want to charge their customers based on the time they spend online. The system can be used in any place where Internet access needs to be accounted. Client time can be manually set or automatically recharged based on access cards. The system will block by default all Internet traffic. Every time the client tries to open a web page, he is redirected to a login page. After he authenticates himself, he may start browsing and using the Internet for as long as his credit allows him to. The client has the possibility to stop the timer and reuse the same account details with another occasion, without losing the credit. Main features: Built-in webserver for web configuration / User accounts management / Card generation/selling/printing / Prepaid Card users / Rechargeable user accounts / Unlimited users / Available cards / Sold cards / Accounting reports / Compatible with both wireless and wired environments / Breaks established connections