PC Performance With Master Resale Rights
We use our computers so much. We expect it to be there ready to go when we turn it on. How often do you think about the CPU failing, the ram and your hard drive being overloaded to the point there is no more space? You depend on your computer every day to work, to have plenty of memory and to basically perform its job well. If your PC doesn't work like it is suppose to, you will have to do without while it is in the repair shop. Of course your computer will fail when you least expect or want it to. So you need to check on your PC on a regular basis. You need to know if there is going to be a problem before there actually is problem. It would be simple if we could just ask it how it was doing and it would tell us, but it doesn't seem to work that way. So we try to clean up the files in our computer. How do you watch your CPU, ram, hard drive and memory?