Personality Profiler
Personality Profiler builds psychological assessments to your own specification for distribution to a website. Data is entered into a script using any text editor, and formatted by the use of CSS. A profile quotient is returned to the user according to a mathematical formula. For example, you might set fun questions and answers on computer technology, sport, or mobile phone technology, to determine how much of a geek or obsessive some respondent might be. A percentage quotient is returned along with your comment for that expected percentage. There are four percentage returns for four comment options. Less than 25% 25% to 50%, 50% to 75%, and over 75%. You write summation text for the category. If you are unfamiliar with editing javascript, or have difficulty entering text into a script, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is supplied which automatically builds the script. You have full control over CSS styles in variables, and can also set a splashimage or company name into a banner.