PG Job Site FREE
PG Job Site is a free to use job board software. No programming skills are required to install, support and maintain a job board site based on PG Job Site. It is easily installed, filled with content and administrated. Administrator can add unlimited number of vacancies, edit vacancy fields and properties, add information pages, install and edit countries database, set up different numerical values and more. Site guests can search for a job, view vacancies and fill in a contact form. All contact forms go to administration panel. The job script is based on CodeIgniter framework which makes it easy for a designer or developer to modify and extend the code. There are tutorials that will help you to understand code structure and change it to own requirements. More than that, free version can be upgraded to a fully-featured paid edition on request. It includes unique e-commerce tools, advanced administration, social networks, apply job feature, subscriptions, banners, polls, REST API