PHP Arcade Script
Scripts Genie Arcade ScriptsGenie Arcade Script(150 Games Included) This Script uses a database to store the preloaded 150 exciting flash games. This script can be used as a stand alone website or as an addition to any website. As an addition to a website, this script is a great way to keep visitors at your website and keep them coming back for more. There is space for 2 banner, google, or simular ads to earn a revenue. As a full website, this script will keep your visitors busy for hours of excitement and keep recurring traffic to your website. There is space for 2 banner, google, or simular ads to earn a revenue. They are listed below . - Add games from an online admin panel. - Pages mare generated after a game has been added. - Remove games from an online admin panel. - Edit games from an online admin panel. -Change the game display order. - Default skin included. Fully customizable.