Eicra Autos for Car Sell Rent
Eicra Soft Ltd have developed complete online car solutions for both Rental and Sale & display solutions to meet your various business needs. Presently we have two version of script for sale and rant. Car / Vehicle Renting Script in PHP and My-sql, multilingual, all customizable, template based, CSS , real time booking, Made, Models, etc. Discounts for days, complete Backend to add all, countries, cities, AC, colors, activate - deactivate, translatable, unlimited languages, all kind of Vehicles, Cars, Trucks, Motorbikes, Trailer, Busses, Boats, Aero planes, bikes, etc. Template based, header , Footer, etc.. Automatic Mail after booking to client and Admin, Paypal, CC payment - datas passed trough to the backend, pay on pick up, wire transfer, cars listing, WTSIWYG editor for HTML Editor and preview.