PHP Hangman with Top Scores
A php script where you can play hangman. Test your skills against a database of almost 1,000 words and phrases in 9 different categories. The database of words and phrases were created by us from scratch. Each game, a random category is selected and from that category, a random word or phrase is chosen for you to solve. The top scores are recorded in the "Hall of Fame" on the main page. Also users can view the "Top 100 scores". The innovative part of the site is that the user can record their score with a user name, but also at the same time associate that user name with a link. Basically, a free text link to the top 10 scores. Right now the scores are reset each day, but can be done at a different time interval. This idea is two fold, first it keeps people on the site to try to get into the the top 10 to get their free text link ad. Also, since the scores are reset, that will keep them coming back.