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Php My Age - Automatic Updater For Your Age
Simple script that calculate your age and show it into your website...
Product Details
Are you tired of having to update your profile to your website every time you make your Birthday? This script is for you! This simple php script, once configured, allows you to have your age automatically updated without you having to edit your profile.

posted byshopperpressinBusiness Listings
PriceUSD 99.00

posted bySangvishinClone Scripts
PriceUSD 499.00
User Reviews
Please rate the listing and tell the world know what do you think about the listing.
Very Good
Reviewed byAnonymousonSat, 31st December 2011
I have download this script and use my localhost and there this script is amazing work . You are use it easily on your web page
Sat, 25th August 2012
You have rated "2 - Fair" my script but you have written "Very Good"... try to be more exact in your reviews for the future. Anyway, thanks for the "Very Good".