PHPFABER URLInn - Extended Short URLs Maker!
PHPFABER URLInn was created as a tinyurl service (also known as shorturl, tinylink, shortlink services) and grow up into separated product filled with bunch of useful features. It allows you to convert quite instantly an endless internet address into a new shorter one, that points to the exact same page but that is only several characters long. When someone click on the short URL link, before be redirected on the web, script shows the page with static text (your advertisement) for several seconds. Admin (you) can change the text, time of showing and also have possibility to switch on/off advertisement for some URLs. Please check out some unique features: Spam URI Realtime Blocklists checking; Captcha's protection; blocked IPs list; multiple URLs processing; keywords for each URL; user statistics page; user notify e-mail with links info; working from browser bookmarks as javascript applet; rotating ads; SE friendly URLs format (hyphen or underscore can be defined); API/Widget etc.