phpSound - Music Sharing Platform
phpSound is a Social Music Sharing Platform similar with SoundCloud, that allows users to upload their music online and share them with the world. User Features: Stream (Page): displays tracks uploaded by friends, online friends, friends suggestions and more. Explore (Page): allows the users to explore recently uploaded track based on categories. Profile (Page): displays the user profiles along with the quick access to their public uploaded tracks, playlists, likes and friends. Statistics: Track statistics such as Plays, Likes, Comments, Downloads, and more advanced statistics such as Top Countries, Top Cities, Most Played, Most commented, Most liked and more… Messages (Page): Displays your friends based on their last activity, showing both online and offline friends. Likes: shows all the likes you made on tracks. Share: allows you to share the music via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Email and via direct link.