Power Redirector 2
Power Redirector is a php based redirect script, it redirects your traffic the way you see fit. Filter visitors based on GeoIP, IP address, IP-range, country, city, state / region, language, user-agent / browser, mobile devices, referrer, empty referrer, keywords, keyword phrases, proxies or any combination and redirect them to any url you want. Includes a daily updated ip-to-country database to ensure you have the most up-to-date country information. Now Power Redirector comes with an extra destination which can be used for a second page. Other new features are: display banner ads instead of redirect, redirect once, set cookie expiration time, redirect log files, customizable http status code (default is 301) and multiple geo ip database support. You can now easily switch between different geo ip databases like MaxMind, IP2location and the ip2country database of Webnet77. Demo available.