PPTminimizer reduces PowerPoint presentations by up to 96% of their initial size in seconds. Therefore there is no need to unzip the optimized files in order to work on them. The graphics and embedded objects are automatically and intelligently optimized. PPTminimizer is the perfect tool for every PowerPoint -User: Mail Boxes, Servers and Networks are relieved of unnecessary data, and loading time is accelerated considerably. -Free your hard disk of unnecessary data: Reduce your file size by up to 96%. -Save time: you can save yourself a lot of time and work as PPTminimizer optimizes all of the pictures and graphics in your presentation automatically. -Search Wizard: Search your drives, folders and networks and find your PowerPoint presentations quickly. -The PowerPoint presentations which have been optimized are saved as a different file, leaving the original file untouched -Outlook-Add-In: PPTminimizer optimizes PowerPoint attachments before they are dispatched by email.