Professional general ad classifieds script
You can choose to post free ads, but you can also choose a different price for each category. In the demo placing an ad for books is free, while an ad in the category car is more expensive than, for example in bikes. This all can be set in the CMS. You can also add additional fields to a category in the CMS. Eg mileage in the category cars. Further possibilities in the CMS include: - Texts on the website can be changed in the CMS - The colors of the site are customizable in the CMS - Separate 'language file' so the script is easy to translate - Manage categories, subcategories and subcategories - Delete ads - Customer management - Banner management - Selection by category or ad is free or not - Determine the price of a 'TopAd' - Determine the duration of a "TopAd'' - By category separate additional fields can be added - We already added more than 1300 categories for an easy start! - Set the duration of the ads - facebook connect - Responsive layout