Professional ADO 2.5 RDS Programming with ASP 3.0
Getting the most out of ASP-based Web pages on the Microsoft Web platform is the mission of Professional ADO 2.5 RDS Programming with ASP 3.0, a practical-minded tutorial for developing Web pages with dynamic content using the latest standards from Microsoft, including ADO, RDS, and XML. It features short, comprehensible tutorials on basic ASP development using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) and Remote Data Services (RDS) for Internet Explorer. The text is filled with useful information, including bug workarounds, gotchas, and tips for better performance. Of special interest is the material on using XML to deliver database results. Another helpful section shows how to use Visual Basic to create data objects on the middle tier. This simple solution will at least get you started with Microsoft's Distributed interNet Architecture (DNA) "best practices" for creating scalable Web applications.