Screen Banner Rotator
An XML-based Flash banner rotator with extensive set of parameters and attractive transition effects. Main features: 1) supports JPG, PNG, GIF image formats, as well as SWF files; 2) resizable to the extent of 1920x1200 pixels; 3) three different transition effects (can be chosen separately, in any combination); 4) separate delay time for each image can be set; 5) sequential or random order of images and/or transitions; 6) images of any size can be used (they will be automatically resized for the best fit); 7) fully adjustable controls and description text area; 8) the font can be embedded or not; 9) supports HTML formatted descriptions; 10) FlashVars support for different XML files loading. You can work with the Screen Banner Rotator in one of the following ways: 1) Using the source FLA file (editable Flash file) for further publishing (creating SWF file); 2) Using the SWF file (fully working Flash movie); in this case, you don't need Flash software or any programming knowledge.