SEO Auctions Script
Our Most Downloaded SEO Online Auction Script is a feature packed and complete PHP Software to launch your Search engine Optimized (SEO) auctions portal (on line auction web site). Its features include 1) Front end Language translatability 2) On line bidding system with automatic bidding 3) Auto Re-listing 4) Support for auctions, dutch auctions, classifieds and fixed price items 5) Quick auction search and Advanced search 6)UNLIMITED level of sub categories 7) UNLIMITED Color Schemes and Icon Sets 8) Predefined color schemes 9) MD5 Encrypted passwords 10) Member Stores 11) Member feedback / rating system 12) Image gallery with each auction listing 13) Complete internal messaging 14) Dynamic thumb-nailing of images 15) SEO optimized URLs for each auction listing and each auction category 16) URL Rewriting to improve search engine visibility 17) And of course great earning potential 18) And lots more. Check full on line demo Now! FREE Demo, FREE installation + FREE Support.