Shootout Game
There are three levels to this game. Be the first to reach ten points for level two, thirty points for level three, and fifty points to win the game. This game requires good hand and eye co-ordination. You will need a strong and patient will to win. The object of the game is to hit the enemies base more times than it hits yours. Use the shield to block the enemies lasers. Control your ship with the mouse. Use the left mouse button to fire and control your shield with the left and right arrow keys or 'A' and 'D'. The spacebar toggles the sound. This game is within a single movieclip on the stage so you can quite easily resize it by scaling (keep the width and height consistent), and you can potentially add it to your projects. You can also customise the graphics by editing the relevant movieclips in the library and change the fonts (but make sure you embed them where necessary).