Simple Banner and Statistics Management
Simple Banner and Statistics Management > Built using PHP and MYSQL database > Quick install and include in website. Steps to install --------------------- 1. Run the SQL commands in "tables.sql" in PhpMyAdmin 2. Provide read-write-execute CHMOD 777 permission to Banners folder. 3. Open config.php and change database name, username and password . Features. ------------------- 1. Add Banner : Enter banner id (unique id) , Browse banner image and then enter Destination redirection url. 2. Reset Statistics : option to reset views and clicks counter. 3. Delete Banner: option to remove a banner 4. Overall Statistics : summary of clicks and views for a banner, landing page itself has add and overall sections. 5. Detailed Statistics: link to detailed statistics which includes session id, viewed and/or clicked, IP, Browser/Machine details, date time etc. Detailed page also shows Unique IP views and Unique IP clicks.