Simple Bulletin Board
â– Protecting forum from non-registered users â– Topics can be made to sticky ones â– Threads can bed locked (closed) â– enable/disable CAPTCHA -protection for registration â– GD-CAPTCHA alternative â– enable/disable/set number of topics per page â– Avatars can be uploaded by users to their profiles â– Signatures can be defined by users â– Own templates can be defined â– PNG -sources for the buttons are integrated â– Administrators can make users to Administrators, Moderators and Default users â– Moderators are able to delete posts, delete complete topics, activate/deactivate/edit/delete users â– Users can enable/disable board and user notifications â– Users can contact other users via the board â– Users will be notified if one of their active topics got a new post â– BB-Code for topics and posts is implemented â– English and German language support